Centurion Assault Squad - The Last of my First Born

Following my Bladeguard Veterans being the first project of 2025, I decided to get through the last of my 2022 gifts completed, and with them the last of my first born models.

My Centurion Assault Squad have been sitting and waiting for their time for a while. This is mainly out of fear that I wouldn't manage to get them to a quality I wanted for them. It was also because they took a while to prepare, applying magnets so that they can be modified. However, after a Macragge Blue Primer and some other projects catching my eye first, I finally made it round to them.

My technique here was much the same as with the Vets. A cover of Macragge (for anything the Primer missed) followed by a wash of Nuln Oil which focused on the armour only (not the weapons). After that dried, I applied a drybrush coat of Macragge Blue followed by a lighter drybrush coat of Calgar Blue.

Then, I moved onto the rest of the paints, applying them as follows:
  • Black - Abaddon Black (B), Eshin Grey(h), Dawnstone (h)
  • Parchment - Rakarth Flesh (b), Agrax Earthshade (s), Pallid Wych Flesh (h), White Scar (h)
  • Purity Seals - Khorne Red (b), Carroburg Crimson (s), Wazdakka Red (h), Cadian Fleshtone (h)
  • Aquila/Gold - Retributor Armour (b), Reikland Fleshshade (s), Auric Armour Gold (h), Liberator Gold (h)
  • Brass - Runelord Brass (b), Nuln Oil (s), Sycorax Bronze (h), Runefang Steel (h)
  • Metal - Leadbelcher (b), Nuln Oil (s), Ironbreaker (h), Runefang Steel (h)
  • Red - Mephiston Red (b), Nuln Oil (s), Evil Sunz Scarlet (h), Wild Rider Red (h)
  • Bone Symbol - Wraithbone (b), Seraphim Sepia (s), Ushabti Bone (h), Screaming Skull (h)
  • Green Trim - Waaagh! Flesh (b), Nuln Oil (s), Warpstone Glow (h), Moot Green (h)
  • Helmet Plume - Celestra Grey (b), Seraphim Sepia (s), White Scar (h)
  • Base - Steel Legion Drab (b), Khorne Red (b)(top only), Ardcoat (t)(top only), Martian Ironearth (t), Agrax Earthshade (s), Evil Sunz Scarlet (h), Wild Rider Red (h) (this was done to give the terrain look more of a pop)
  • Wiring - Averland Sunset/Mournfang Brown/Waaagh! Flesh/Mephiston Red (b), Agrax Earthshade (s), Yriel Yellow/Deathclaw Brown/Warpstone Glow/Evil Sunz Scarlet (h), Screaming Skull/Moot Green/Wild Rider Red (h)
As before, I finished the minis with an edge highlight of Fenrisian Grey and the application of transfers (using Ardcoat and Lahmian Medium).

Once again, I feel that these minis look good. A vast improvement upon those that I painted early on (although, last month's Bladeguards are still the best, in my opinion), but I did realise that there is some room for improvement.

First up, much like with the Bladeguard and their shields, I should have left the drill weapons unattached until the end. Also, while all three models were primed with Macragge Blue, I should have primed the weapons seperately with Chaos Black. This is because it became a real hassle to adequately cover all that blue with black (although I'm now confident it has all been covered).

Also, I need to figure out how to use layer paints, particularly how to water them down to that sweet spot between too much water and too little. Unfortunately, I suspect rhis will continue to be a trial and error thong although it was annoying to have the various edge highlights come across as either too wet or too thick.

Still, these Centurions are done now and, while they felt like a bit of a slog towards the end, I can now get them on the table with Uriel Ventris and put his Master of the Fleet ability to the test.


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