What's Next?

Since my last post (which, admittedly, was far longer ago than I had planned), I've been working hard to clear through my 'Pile of Grey' ('Pile of Shame' and 'Pile of Opportunity' are just terms which don't work for me. It's neither a 'shame' or an 'opportunity', it's just a 'pile' ... If that makes sense?).

Uriel Ventris, an Attack Bike, a unit of Celestial Sacresants, even the miniatures from the Star Trek Away MIssions core game and a Death wing Veteran Miniature of the Month have all been painted.

That leaves some Assault Intercessors, Blade guard Vets, a Centurion Assault Squad, Retributors, some terrain, Grombrindal and a half dozen random minis still left to finish. Quite the backlog and, because of this, I'm trying to be good and refrain from purchasing anything more that'll simply be added to that list.

However, I'm not one to not think ahead and, as such, I've recently found myself pondering on what to do once my current collection of unpainted minis is all finished.

I recently played my first 40k match, a combat patrol battle using my Strike Team Solarien models and, while I enjoyed it, the battle's length made me realise that I will most likely never play a game that is beyond 1,000 points (maybe 1,500 at a pinch). Also, despite currently having two armies on the go in the Ultramarines and the Adepta Sororitas, I've decided to focus on using only the Ultramarines though the rest of 10th Edition, holding back on using the Sisters of Battle until 11th (therefore, reducing the amount I will need to spend on Codexes during each edition).

Therefore, with 1,600 points of Space Marines already available to me, I've decided to change tack a little once my current pile has emptied.

I recently discovered that an old friend of mine has two armies: Stormcast Eternals and Kharadron Overlords. Learning this, I feel like moving (even if briefly) into the Age of Sigmar universe. Therefore, what I'm thinking is next for me are Callis & Toll: Saviours of Cinderfall, the Warcry: Crypt of Blood Starter Set and the Soulblight Gravelords Spearhead.

Now there is a logical reason for all of these.

First up, the Saviours of Cinderfall is a box set that I've admired since its release. With effectively six character miniatures contained within and my recent enjoyment in painting Uriel Ventris and Vitrian Messinius, I feel it would be a nice series of months to focus on a string of characters, one at a time. Also, though, rather than them becoming simply a paint and display collection, I've realised that the Saviours of Cinderfall could be combined with Grombrindal to form a nearly 1,000 point Warcry warband.

And this brings me to Warcry's Crypt of Blood starter set. With a warband in my pocket, it would make sense to learn to play Warcry and put them to good use. Also, the inclusion of Xandire's Truthseekers would give me a degree of variety instead of using Grombrindal. Now, I could simply pick up one of the larger box sets as opposed to the starter, which truthfully doesn't contain all of the rules or even whole warbands compared to the larger boxes. However, what really attracts me to the Crypt of Blood set is both the gravesite terrain included within it (which I think could also be used in 40k) as well as the Crimson Court, which I think looks absolutely phenomenal.

Leading me to the final part of my plan; the Soullight Gravelords Spearhead. This is a box set which makes up to about 750 points in AoS. However, beyond the awesome set of 29 miniatures contained within (which would keep me painting for a good long while), I'm pretty confident that this is an army that can be combined with the Crimson Court to reach 1,000 (or close enough) in both Age of Sigmar AND Warcry.

So, with that in mind, I think that's my 2025 all planned out. Now, granted, I have other ideas to paint alongside it, such as the Picard Expansion for Star Trek Away Missions (just to see how the character swapping works in that game), as well as some vague plans for beyond.

But, for now, I'm glad to have a plan for once my currently pile ends.


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