5. Trying new techniques on my Librarian
So, I got to work, starting with a couple of coats of Macragge Blue on everything but the miniatures staff and cherub (who was left unattached and painted separately). This was followed by and all over wash (of the blue sections) with Drakenhof Nightshade.
Now, this is where I differed from my previous painting works, as I applied a dry brush coat (or two) of Macragge Blue, in order to return the initial colour to Giles' (his name, because he's a Librarian) Armour.
I do fear that I applied/left too much on the brush because it is far more Blue than I expected and I'm not such any of the shade remained. However, I decided to press ahead by dry brushing the highlights of Calgar Blue and then Fenrisian Grey to the armour.
From that point, everything else was done normally, applying bases on the specific parts of the model (and the Cherub in its entirety), washing them and then edge highlighting. The colours I used were:
- Gold Trim - Retributor Armour (B), Reikland Fleshshade (S), Liberator Gold, Runefang Steel (L)
- Gunmetal/silver - Leadbelcher (B), Nuln Oil (S), Ironbreaker, Runefang Steel (L)
- Robe - Zandri Dust (B), Nuln Oil (S), Karak Stone (L)
- Parchment - Rakarth Flesh (B), Nuln Oil/Agrax Earthshade (S), Pallid Wych Flesh, White Scar (L)
- Purity seals - Mephiston Red (B), Nuln Oil (S), Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red (L)
- Skin - Bugman's Glow (B), Reikland Fleshshade (S), Cadian Fleshtone, Kislev Flesh (L)
- Beard - Celestra Grey (B), Reikland Fleshshade (S), Ulthuan Grey, White Scar (L)
- Brass - Runelord Brass (B), Nuln Oil (S), Sycorax Bronze, Runefang Steel (L)
- Belt - Mournfang Brown (B), Agrax Earthshade (S), Deathclaw Brown (L)
- Gun handle - Dryad Bark (B), Agrax Earthshade (S), Gorthor Brown (L)
- Base - Steel Legion Drab, Zandri Dust (B), Agrax Earthshade (S), Karak Stone (L)
- Black trim - Abaddon Black (B), Eshin Grey, Dawnstone (L)
- Book cover - Waaagh Flesh (B), Agrax Earthshade (S), Warpstone Glow (L)
There was then one last thing. I really wanted to give this guy the look that he was manipulating and conducting the power of the Warp and so, buying a pot of Doomfire Magenta contrast, I applied I thinned down White Scar to the recesses of the hands and staff before covering them with the Magenta (I also, white our the eyes and applied some there).
This left me with the finished result which I am really proud of. I do think that maybe I went a but much with the Doomfire Magenta but, otherwise, I thought that this Base, wash, dry brush technique really worked (although I think I'll avoid dry brushing the layer paints and stick to edge highlighting)
So, now that I've found a better technique, it's time to move on to those Vanguard Space Marine units, although I'm probably going to start with the Infiltrator unit and, specifically, their command models.
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