1. The Story So Far ...
So, I've decided to start writing about my journey collecting and painting my Warhammer 40k miniatures.
Why? Well, I'm not entirely sure. I guess the primary reason is that with few friends who are interested in the hobby (which sounds sad but it isn't, simply bad luck), I have no one to share the ideas in my head. Also, I thought it might be nice to have a record of some of my ideas that I can look back should I forget them (such as paint combinations, etc).
However, before I started doing that, I figured I would explain how I got to where I am (given that I actually started my journey some time ago).
So, here goes ...
Over twenty years ago, back at a time when Mordheim and Inquisitor were released, my friend convinced me to give Warhammer Fantasy a try. I started a Wood Elves army and accumulated about 2000 points worth of models.
However, I was young and impatient and after a couple of years my interest waned.
Fast forward to 16 months ago and, as I approach my forties, I realised my evenings were seeing my bored hands help me eat far too much crap food.
It was also at this time that I had been watching both the Witcher on Netflix and the Clone Wars on Disney+. Between these three things, I decided that not only would I return to miniature painting but I would move to Warhammer 40k, which I felt best amalgamated the two tones from the above mentioned shows, because armour and magic.
So, I've now been building and painting miniatures for a year and 4 months. In that time I've accumulated a few Necrons, nearly a whole a combat patrol of Adepta Sororitas and around 1,500 points worth of Space Marines sporting the traditional blue (along with a selection of odd models).
Anyway, now that's out of the way and everyone's caught up, let's begin ...
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