
Showing posts from July, 2023

2. An Attempt at Recess Shading

Ever since I took up painting again, a lot of my original models were painted very basically. While I have applied base colours in their entirety, I avoided applying either the shades or the highlights, something I have since started to go back and do by completely washing my miniatures (with mixed results) However, during the last couple of weeks, I decided to get out my Assault Intercessors (a squad of models I had painted early on) and apply their shades and highlights. However, instead of washing them, I decided to apply to the shade in the form of Recess Shading. The difference between washing and recess shading, as I understand it, is that washing means applying the shade paint all over the miniature, while recess shading means apply the shade into the nooks, crevices and recesses of the miniature (hence the name). So, taking my Drakenhof Nightshade, that's exactly what I've done. For the first seven, which have been fully based painted, I simply applied t...

1. The Story So Far ...

So, I've decided to start writing about my journey collecting and painting my Warhammer 40k miniatures. Why? Well, I'm not entirely sure. I guess the primary reason is that with few friends who are interested in the hobby (which sounds sad but it isn't, simply bad luck), I have no one to share the ideas in my head. Also, I thought it might be nice to have a record of some of my ideas that I can look back should I forget them (such as paint combinations, etc). However, before I started doing that, I figured I would explain how I got to where I am (given that I actually started my journey some time ago). So, here goes ... Over twenty years ago, back at a time when Mordheim and Inquisitor were released, my friend convinced me to give Warhammer Fantasy a try. I started a Wood Elves army and accumulated about 2000 points worth of models. However, I was young and impatient and after a couple of years my interest waned. Fast forward to 16 months ago and, as I approach ...