
Showing posts from January, 2025

Bladeguard Veterans: reaffirming my armour painting

In January, for my first project of 2025, I decided to catch up from Christmas 2022 and finally paint my Bladeguard Veterans. In fairness, there was a dual reason for this as not only did allow my unpainted pile to become a little more recent but it also gave me a chance to effectively reaffirm the process I used to paint battle armour (something which seemed a little all over the place in 2024) So, after a Primer of Macragge Blue (along with using the pot to catch anywhere I missed), I proceeded to wash the armour only with Nuln Oil. Once that was dried, I drybrush a final coat of Macragge Blue before drybrushing over it with a coat of Calgar Blue. This left me with a tone of blue which look visually consistent to how I'd gotten Uriel Ventris and my last batch of Assault Intercessors After that, it came down to painting, washing and highlighting the rest of the minis. Those colours were broken down like this: Joints/Carapace/Flag - Abaddon Black (B), Eshin Grey(h), Dawnstone (h) ...

2025 - A painting plan in three parts

With 2025 just around the corner, I find myself with enough of a pile of opportunity that it'll probably bleed into 2026. 2024 has seen me work through my armies as I (maybe mistakenly) took part in the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge, but learning new skills and improving my overall painting as I do so. One thing 2024 did teach me was that army building isn't my thing as I've become bored are completing whole units as well as my recent enjoyment in focused painting of the White Dwarf. With that in mind, my plans for 2025 can be easily split into three parts. Part 1: Primed projects -  The first part and what will be taking over the first third of the year are my primed projects. Made up of My Bladeguard Veterans and Centurion Assault Squad for my Ultramarines and my Hospitaller and Retributor Squad for my Sisters of Battle, all of these make up the oldest members of my pile of opportunity. However, while it makes sense to make a start with them, it's al...