12. The Blood Angel
For the last couple of months, I've been burning through my pile of unpainted miniatures, painting them in much the same manner as my Librarian and Infiltrators were done prior. However, as I've worked my way down this list, either because of the quantity or maybe a lack of improvement in the quality, I've found myself feeling a little burned out on it all. Therefore, in the hopes of turning things around before I loose my enthusiasm to paint (something which I felt like I was getting very close to), I decided to take a break from the abundance of Ultramarines and Sisters of Battle I have left and do something a little bit different. Of course, when I say a little bit different, I do emphasise on the 'little bit' because, amongst all of my unpainted miniatures, I have a single spare Assault Intercessor who doesn't really have a home. So, I decided to put him to good use and so set about priming him with Chaos Black. Now, my initial plan w...